Lenten Schedule for St. Francis of Assisi 2017

Ash Wednesday – March 1st

The distribution of ashes at St. Francis of Assisi Church will occur during the Mass times of 8:00am, 12:10pm, 4:30pm, 7:00pm and 8:15pm (Spanish).


Sacrament of Reconciliation (in the chapel)

Each Saturday, 4:00-5:00pm

or call the Rectory to make an appointment


Daily Mass in the Chapel

Monday through Saturday there will be a Mass in the Chapel at 8:00am & 12:10pm.


Friday Stations of the Cross

All Friday’s during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm in the Chapel. Stations of the Cross in Spanish at 8:00pm on Friday’s in the Chapel.

 Please note that on March 3rd & April 7th First Fridays of the Month, Stations of the Cross will be celebrated together along with the Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Parish Lenten Mission – Prayer and Reflection – March 9th, 16th & 23rd

Following the 8:00am Daily Mass in the Chapel and at 7:00pm, in the Main Church.

Mission led by Fr. Fagen, CP – Walking by Faith, A Spirituality for Living Now.


Palm Sunday – April 9th

Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm (Spanish) in the Main Church


Holy Thursday – April 13th

8:00am    Solemn Morning Prayer in Chapel

7:30pm    Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the Main Church.  The Chapel will remain open until 11:00pm for Adoration of Jesus, in the Eucharist.


Good Friday – April 14th

8:00am   Solemn Morning Prayer in the Chapel

12:00pm Stations of the Cross in the Main Church

3:00pm   Good Friday Liturgy in the Main Church, The Passion according to St. John, Veneration of the Cross & Holy Communion

5:00pm   El Via Crucis / Stations of the Cross outside (Spanish)

6:30pm   Liturgia del Viernes Santo, La Pasion segun San Juan, Veneracion de la Cruz y Santa Comunion / Good Friday Liturgy in the Main Church (Spanish)


Holy Saturday – April 15th

8:00am Solemn Morning Prayer in the Chapel

*please note NO 5:30pm Mass


Easter Masses:

Easter Vigil – Saturday, April 15th

8:00pm in the Main Church

Easter Masses – Sunday, April 16th

7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Spanish) in the Main Church


Celebration of the Eucharist (Regular Schedule)

Monday – Saturday 8:00am and 12:10pm in the Chapel

Saturday’s 5:30pm in the Main Church

Sunday’s 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 1:00pm (Spanish) in the Main Church


Lenten Regulations

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of FASTING and ABSTINENCE.

 All the Fridays of lent are days of required ABSTINENCE from meat.

Fasting – prescribes that a Catholic may eat only one full meal for the day.  Two smaller meals may be taken, but these taken together should not equal another FULL meal.  Fasting obliges all Catholics from the 18th up to and including the 59th birthday.  If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before beginning a fast.

 Abstinence – means that a Catholic must avoid eating meat throughout the day and obliges after the 14th birthday.  This practice is mandatory during the season of lent.