Religious Education

Religious Education Office:
Address:  16 Green Street, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Phone:  914-666-3161
Office Hours:  September to May 

Mondays- 12-5pm

Tuesdays and Wednesdays- 12 noon to 7pm

Thursdays- 10am-2pm                    


The mission of St. Francis of Assisi School of Religious Education is to nurture the seeds of faith in the youth of our parish.  Our curriculum and sacramental programs are designed to foster this growth in faith that will develop and mature as they grow into disciples of Jesus Christ.  These programs affirm and assist the family’s efforts to cultivate their children’s relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, as members of the Catholic Church. This is done in a positive and caring environment in which every child is given the opportunity to develop his/her faith, character, attitudes, and values.


Grades 1, 2 & 3- Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:45pm (Meet in main Church)

Grades 4 & 5 - Tuesdays 4:15pm-5:45pm (Meet in the main Church)

Basic elementary catechism- Grades 3, 4 & 5- Tuesdays 4:15pm- 5:45pm (Meet in main Church) First year students older than grade 3 and up

Grade 6 & 7 - Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm
Eighth Grade and High School:  Tuesday evening 6:30pm – 8:00pm



Confirmation - April 27, 2024

with Bishop Bonicci

First Holy Communion - May 11, 2024

Older students @ 11:00am

Grade 2 @ 1:30pm


  Religious Education 

 Important Information for 2024-2025


All registration forms can be found outside main door of Religious Education Office in "info box"

They are not online as when printed they do not conform correctly. Please use forms outside of office.

First year students must have Baptismal certificate with forms.

Tuition must be paid in full at time of Registration.

Please do not delay registering due to financial strain.






Textbook Series

For this coming September the children in grades 1-5 will be using Augustine Institute Series "WORD OF LIFE"

Grade 6 will continue to use Loyola Press "FINDING GOD"

Grade 7 uses a trimester series. Students rotate every ten weeks between three teachers and three topics. This can only be done in class. RCL Benziger: Morality, Jesus and New Testament and Sacraments and Church

Confirmation uses "Chosen" by Ascension Press. A video and dialogue based series. There are also "Workshops" that each student must attend.







Dear Families

Welcome to the 2023-2024 year

Please make sure you register your child.

I am sorry but there will be NO homeschooling options available for this coming year. All classes are in person. Though parents are the first and main catechist of their child it is also important that they receive teachings from the Archdiocese.

Please note there is NO skipping of grades/years. A child should be enrolled in a consecutive yearly course of studies. If a child misses a year it must be made up prior to continuing forward.

First Communion requires a minimum of Two years of studies prior to the Sacrament.

Confirmation is a three year process.