An Evening of Mardi Gras

We hope you will join us on Saturday, February 6th for this parish event!  All are welcome to attend - singles, couples, groups.  RSVP's will be taken before and after Mass on the weekends of January 16th, 23th AND 30th or you may bring your RSVP to the rectory or office of Religious Ed during normal business hours - please make checks payable to St. Francis of Assisi Church.  RSVP's due by Sunday the 31st of January.

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Don't forget to take a chance on our Grand Prize Raffle.... 

                    50" Samsung Flat Screen HDTV and a Samsung Bluetooth Subwoofer

Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 tickets for $20.00 and available at each Mass, at the Religious Ed office or by contacting us....

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions: phone 494-6992 or email