HAPPY HALLOWEEN - Monday, October 31st
ALL SAINTS DAY—Tuesday, November 1st
the Solemnity of All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation. On this day Catholics throughout the world come together at Mass to honor all the Saints in heaven and ask for their intercession. Mass will be celebrated on Monday evening, October 31st at 7:00pm and on Tuesday, November 1st at 8:00am, 12:10pm & 7pm en español
FEAST OF ALL SOULS - Wednesday, November 2nd
There will be a Mass on Wednesday evening, November 2nd at 7:00pm in the Church to remember in a special way the members of our parish who died the past year. A poster with their names will be displayed at Mass. After the Mass, light refreshments will be served in the Msgr. Donovan Hall and if you desire you may display photos of those who have died at the reception. During the month of November envelopes with your intentions are placed on the altar to include your intentions in all Masses offered during the month.
El mismo día celebraremos una misa en español a las 8pm para las santas almas difuntas. Praying for the holy souls of the deceased, and their eventual eternal consolation, is an ancient biblically-based tradition (see 2Macc 12:43-46) and a spiritual work of mercy.
CEMETERY SUNDAY - Sunday, November 6th at 3:00pm
At St. Francis of Assisi Cemetery, we will bless the cemetery and offer a rosary for the souls of all who are buried there. Prayers for the dead are offered as a spiritual work of mercy, especially for those who have no one to pray for them. Please join us. Praying for the holy souls of the deceased, and their eventual eternal consolation, is an ancient biblically-based tradition (see 2Macc 12:43-46) and a spiritual work of mercy